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4activeHT - Heated Cover Dummy

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A heated cover dummy for testing night vision and other passive IR-systems is available from 4activeSystems known as the 4activeHT. 

The heating mats ensure an optimal heat transfer to the outer surface of a target. It covers five different zones: 

  1. Face
  2. Arms
  3. Hands
  4. Torson
  5. Legs 

The cover option is available for the 4activePS, 4activePA and 4activeAN, and comes with an installed heating control unit. 

Technical Specs

Testing Purpose: Passive IR-systems like night vision
Available for:  ActivePA, ActivePS, ActiveAN
Compatible With:  4activeSB, 4activeXB, 4activeFB-small, 4activeFB-eco
Power Supply: 2 x 12V via trailing cable